Sunday, September 18, 2005

Becky the flight attendant

I flew home from Minnesota this afternoon, it was an interesting flight, well, an interesting pre and post flight I should say.

While waiting in the terminal before my flight I noticed a very hot flight attendant. I started flirting with her and she was very flirtacious back to me. I found out her name was Becky, she is from Atlanta and has been a flight attendant for the past 8 months. She loves her job but hates how much she is out of town as she doesn't have much of a chance to maintain a social life. We continued flirting until she had to go and do whatever it is that flight attendants do before a flight.

During the flight we didn't have much time to talk, but she smiled at me on every chance she had. After the flight while I was exiting the plane she handed me a piece of paper and winked at me. I opened up the paper and it had the name of the hotel she would be staying at and informed me to call after 7 pm and ask for her.

Well, I just got off the phone with her and she said she felt stupid for doing this but she thought I had some potential to be a fun guy to hang out with in Salt Lake for the night. She asked if I wanted to come pick her up and go to dinner and hang out for the night.

So folks... off I go. Not knowing what to expect from Becky. Hopefully we'll end up in bed, but only time will tell.


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