Thursday, August 04, 2005

Tara the intern

Tara the intern

*Tara is not her real name, changed for several reasons.

Ok, so there is this really shy intern working for us this summer. Initially I figured she was some straight arrow Mormon girl, the type I stay away from. But the past few days, I've seen and learned quite a bit about her that, well, make her very intriguing to me. The only problem is, she is only here for 3 more weeks before heading back to school.

I met her after she'd been working here for 2 or 3 weeks back in early June. She has to have some latin blood in her because she has a very dark complexion, dark hair and brown eyes. She is really short too; my guess is no taller than 5'3", way skinny and almost no boobs. As most new employees tend to act, she was very timid and shy initially. She stayed out of our conversations in the break room about sex and such and she didn't really laugh at some of our questionable jokes, so I wrote her off as some little Mormon girl who wouldn’t give me the time of day.

Now what did I find out about her? Well, yesterday I needed a screwdriver and she told me I’d find one in her desk, upon opening her drawer I saw condoms and a vibrator in her purse (her purse was wide open, I didn’t go digging through it), my eyes lit up and I new she had a wild side. Mind you, I normally won’t fool around with fellow employees, it makes too much drama in the workplace, however, as she is an intern and will be leaving soon, so I set my goal of sleeping with her.

On the way out of the office yesterday I made sure to wait to leave until she was on her way out. I tried to start up a conversation with her, but her damn cell phone rang. She was polite enough to answer it and ask them to hang on for a second. She told me she’d see me tomorrow, I asked her if she wanted to go grab something for dinner, she said she was doing dinner with her sister, but we could go out Thursday.

So….. tonight, I will be dining with Tara the hot intern. I doubt I’ll get anything from her tonight, but I surely will get a feel for how easy she is going to be, and whether there is any potential or not. I’ve got to move fast because her last day August 24th and I’ll be out of town for a few days next week.

Wish me luck!


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