Monday, August 08, 2005

Tara called me this weekend (DRAMA!)

Friday night I was horny as hell after watching some porn, I called 3 of my 'easy lays' and all three were busy, so I put my black book away and decided to just whack off then play some xbox. Saturday I went golfing and then worked on my car for awhile. While I was out working on my car, my cell phone rang, I didn't recognize the number so I sent it to voicemail. I rarely get calls I don't have in my directory, so I figured it wouldnt have been important.

I was done working on my car around 4:00, headed in to shower and ended up falling asleep afterwards for 2 hours. I woke up and saw that I had a voicemail from the missed call earlier, it was Tara. "Mark, it's Tara, just wanted to see what you were up to and see if you wanted to hang out tonight. Call me".

I called Tara and she said she wanted to come over and shoot some pool, so I told her to come on over and I'd have some chicken on the BBQ for us. She came over and we ate dinner and played some pool. She knows I don't drink, so she had brought some wine coolers for herself. I could tell something wasn't right, she seemed upset about something. So midway through the night I commented she didn't seem herself and asked if everything was ok. She said 'yeah', in a very unconvincing manner. I asked her what the problem was and she said "oh its my stupid ass boyfriend". I asked her if she cared to explain, she said she talked to him last night and was telling him how proud she was of herself for turning down the chance to get laid, even though she was extremely horny. She asked him how many times he'd had to turn down sex over the summer and he hesitated. She said by his hesitation, she knew exactly what it meant, he'd been sleeping with his ex-girlfriend again.

Tara went on to explain that when they left, they agreed they could date other people over the summer, but he wasn't supposed to be hanging out with his ex-girlfriend, and certainly not sleeping with her. She says he told her it only happened 3 times and he feels really bad about it. She was pretty upset, not in a pissed off way, but in a hurt way, she was almost in tears. I gave her a big hug and told her its ok, whatever is meant to work out will work out. I tried telling her it was probably really hard for him (a male with hormones) to go almost 3 months without any sex. And she replied "you don't think its been hard on me? but I have avoided situations, I could have fucked you the other night, believe me I wanted to, but I didn't."

Eventually, I got her calmed down (with the help of several wine coolers) and soon she was telling me "lets go downstairs and have sex", well by this point, there is so much drama, I know she only wants to do this to get back at her boyfriend. I told her I wasn't going to be her 'payback' towards her boyfriend, because she'd regret it and feel even worse about the whole thing.

By now my night is esentially ruined. I could fuck her, but really it would do more harm than good to her relationship with her boyfriend and I know from last week she really cares for this guy. She's too drunk to drive home, if I offer to drive home then I look like a jerk for not wanting to hang out with her anymore. So we went down and turned on a movie. She fell asleep on my couch during the movie while I was rubbing her feet. I tried waking her up but she was crashed, so I threw a blanket over her and turned out the lights and went to bed. I was hoping she wouldnt be completely freaked when she woke up wondering where she was.

I woke up in the middle of the night and went to check on her, she hadn't moved, she was still deep asleep. I headed back to bed. A few hours later, I was 'rudely' awakened by someone pulling my sheets off of me and pulling my boxers down and starting to suck my cock. I looked down and it was Tara. I sat up and told her to stop, she told me to just lay down and enjoy. She said "you may not let me fuck you, but at least let me give you a blowjob." By now I was hard and it was feeling great, nothing like a morning blowjob to get your day started. So for several minutes she sucked my cock, I told her I was about to cum, she pulled out and said "sorry, I won't swallow for anyone but Jeff (her boyfriend)" and then she finished me off with her hands.
She then laid down beside me and cuddled with me for a few minutes. She asked if I wanted to fuck her yet, I told her that as much as i'd like to, I know how much she loves Jeff, and I don't want to be 'revenge sex' that ends up destroying a good thing back in Arizona.

I did tell her if her and Jeff didn't work out, I'd make sure to visit down in Arizona though. She smiled and told me she hopes that her and Jeff work out, and thanked me for being there for her last night. With that, she said she had to get running back to her sisters house to babysit their kids.

So what do you think? Was I stupid for not fucking her? I like to think I did the right thing. But I still need some sex! I got ahold of someone in my black book and we're going to hang out tonight. We've slept together before and we have kind of an unwritten agreement that if one of us is desperate for sex, we can hang out and screw.


At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you did the right thing, not necessarily from the "moral" point of view (as I argue below, in this case you really shouldn't have to be concerned about this angle), but from the practical perspective. I mean, what are this girl and her boyfriend in your life? Practically nothing. Hence, you really shouldn't have to be concerned about their well-being. On the other hand, this kind of gal that comes up to you (not a stranger but hardly much more) and spill out their feelings, and contradictions, and offer you sex in consideration of support ... man, that has MESS written all over it (especially when --following the classic patern-- she goes back with her boyfriend, breaks up, calls you back a billion times, he calls you too saying you're a bastard, etc., etc.). So, it was a DRAMA, as you say, but at least you got a blow job out of it. Could have been better, but it certainly could have been MUCH worse.


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