Friday, July 29, 2005

My porn buddy

I received an email from an old friend of mine, my 'porn buddy', last night. She wanted to see how things were going with me and to update me on whats new in her life. So I figured this would be a good time to tell my blog about 'my porn buddy'.

2 years ago I was living in a duplex with some 2 other buddies. I had my own room in the basement and pretty much kept to myself. My roommates knew about my sex life and respected it, they also knew not to just walk in my room late at night as I may be watching porn and doing something they didn't want to see.

Well, one evening I was home by myself, roommates were off at work or something and our doorbell rings. I go answer the door and it was Sara from two duplexes down, she was asking for my roommate Dave, I told her he was not here. She said he had told her she could work on his computer, I told her she was welcome to come in and use his computer. Well turns out it was password protected, we couldn't reach him on his cell phone so I told her she was welcome to come down and use mine.

So we talked for a few minutes, then I turned her loose on my computer. She said she needed to do some research and start typing a report, she'd be about an hour. I told her I was heading upstairs to make some dinner and I'd be down in a bit. She noticed I had Kazaa on my computer and asked if she could download some songs, I told her that was fine.

So a half hour later I come down and she comments at how much porn I have downloaded. Feeling a bit embarassed for not realizing that my Kazaa was loaded with my porn downloads, I simply acknowledge her discovery. To my surprise, she tells me she's seen some of them and they're pretty good. I ask her if she's lying, she says that she has been into porn since her last boyfriend got her into it.

That was really all that was mentioned, she finished her work on the computer and jokingly I told her she should come watch some porn with me one night, she told me that sounded like a good idea, she hasn't been able to watch any lately since she has no computer and her roommates computer had a filter on it.

So a few weeks went by, I saw her every now and then as I'd drive down the street, I'd wave, one night as i'm coming home from work around 8:00, she motions to me to stop and talk, she asks if she can come watch some 'movies' tonight with me, i tell her sure, give me a bit to clean things up then come on over.

Around 9:30 she finally shows up, I told her I was wondering if she was not going to show up or not. She said she was nervous and felt silly asking someone she barely knows if she can come watch porn. She says she'd been hot and bothered all week and needed to watch some porn. So we hooked up my computer on the video out putting the display on my desktop and we loaded a nice play list of porn. After half an hour, I look over and she's rubbing her pussy through her pants. Holy shit did she get embarassed. I thought she was going to get up and leave, I told her it was fine, if she needed to head to the bathroom for a minute she could, or I could leave the room for a few minutes if she wanted me to. She told me it was fine, neither of us needed to leave. She stopped rubbing though at this point, still embarassed. We ended up watching for an hour, I was pitching a tent but was not quite sure how to handle things at this point. I told her I needed to take care of things and I was heading into the bathroom. So in I went and I jerked off. I came out and she asked how often I watch this, I told her once or twice a week. She asked if she could come over more often and watch with me, I told her that would be fine.

So over the next few weeks, she was over 2 or 3 times a week for an hour or two at a time watching porn. Things were still rather awkward between us though while watching it. I mean, I wanted to just drop my pants and take care of business while watching it. So I brought that up to her, asked her if she'd be comfortable with me doing that in front of her, she said she'd been wondering how to bring things up, but she had a few 'rules' she wanted to get my idea on for watching porn together. I'm like rules? What kind of rules. She informs me that she thinks having some rules would help make things a little more comfortable. I'm like whatever, tell me your rules. She listed 2 rules for me
1) It is ok to remove clothes, if the other person is uncomfortable with it, then you can cover yourself with a blanket.
2) No touching unless you are invited, however it is ok to say no if invited to touch and you dont feel comfortable with it.

I was fine with those rules, yet I was curious whether she would really take off clothes in front of me, or if she just wanted to make me feel ok doing it.

(This is getting long so i'm going to break it into another post)


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