Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back together pt 2

We just stood there in her living room looking at each other, she started smiling and said "well are you going to kiss me or what". Thats all it took, I moved in for the kiss and wow, she had some nice frustrations to release, she was trying to swallow my head she was kissing me so hard! I was wanting to start unbutton her shirt but wasn't sure how she'd respond, finally I was like screw it, I may not see her again, i'm gonna just go for it... I started unbuttoning her shirt and she immediately got my belt undone and pushed my pants down. Before long we're laying half dressed on the couch, I started sucking her tits. I started kissing her stomach, moving my head down south, I made it to her belly button, pulled her pants down and licked her pussy through her panties. I slid my tongue under them and gave her a preview of what was to come. I looked up and she smiled at me, i slid her panties off and ate her out, within minutes she erupted into orgasm. She was pushing her pussy into my face, I had my tongue deep in her and was giving her GREAT pleasure. After she finished climaxing, i moved back up to her tits, she started standing and we locked lips again and stumbled our way to the bedroom.

She pushed me down onto the bed and got my boxers off, started sucking my cock. Well it had been awhile since I last got some so I knew I wouldnt last terribly long, I told her lets just fuck.
She straddled me and mid pump stopped, told me she's not on the pill. I told her to grab me a condom, she didnt have any. FUCK! I told her I had some in my car, so I threw on her pink fuzzy bathrobe and ran out to my car and found a rubber.

I run back to the room and she pulls me on top of her, she goes back down to suck my cock and get me fully hard again. She opens the rubber and puts it on me, then she straddles me. I was a bit glad to have a rubber on because i can lost a lot longer in one, especially when i havent had any for a few weeks. She again straddled me and soon was fucking me fast and hard. I played with her tits and her nipples and within a few minutes she was erupting in orgasm again. After she finished her orgasm, i told her i wanted to stand up, she smiled, knowing its my favorite position... she climbed off me, laid down on the side of the bed and soon her legs were over my shoulder... i slid my cock in nice and deep, as deep as i could, she moaned as it went in the last inch, i started out fucking her nice and slow with very deep thrusts. I played more with her tits trying to get her turned on again. I kept going deep and slow for several minutes letting it build up, when I sensed it was almost time to cum, I changed to fast hard fucking, you could hear our skin slapping together very fast, soon she was moaning more and more with each thrust. Her hand now was reaching down trying to tickle my balls, it was now time for my orgasm, I pushed deep and hard inside of her and stopped so she could tickle my balls, I lowered my face down, she riased up a little to meet me and we started kissing while my cum filled the condom. I thrust a few more times to finish things off. I pulled out, hurried to the bathroom and removed the condom, then went and laid with her.

More later

Ok, attempt to get back together

So you'll notice my last post for awhile was December 4th, a Monday. Well I hadn't heard from her for a month or so since our breakup. She had tried to call me on Thanksgiving but I didn't answer. The first few weeks I was just like whatever, but then I actually started missing her. I even had a chance for some sex with a chick on the road but I turned it down because I couldnt keep thinking about her. Part of me felt like there was no closure and I should give her a call, another part of me felt like it just wanted to hit her hot bod again LOL!

Well, Wednesday night I met some friends for dinner and noticed she was at the restaurant with her sister in law. My friends had never seen her, so I decided to try and play it off like she was a stranger and bet them I'd go home with her that night. We got talking and I told them to checkout the hottie at the table across the room. Typical guy fashion we talked about how hot she was and such, I told them I bet them $50 each I could get her to go home with me. Well there were 3 guys with me, 2 of them took me up on the bet while the other said he didnt have $50 to spare. I casually walked over there, talked to them for a few minutes, told her what was up, she said she had her car, I told her to let her sister in law take the car and let me take her home. She was kind of stand-offish and rude, but I sweet talked her and made her laugh, told her I had spent the past month thinking about things and stuff. I told her I'd been wanting to call her but too chicken, so tonight was fate... that one melted her. She said she'd been feeling the same way. So she told me it was a deal, I could win the bet and take her home, if I split the bet with her. I told her I'd do something better than split it with her and winked, she giggled and blushed... a good sign. She said she'd come join me at the table after she finished her meal, I reminded her she had to play like we didn't know each other.

I told the guys I was taking her home, they didn't believe me, I told them she'd be over to the table when she finished up dinner. They again didn't believe me. Well we ordered and got our food, then they pointed out to me that she was walking out the door with the other girl. Indeed she was, i was like DAMN! Well a minute later she comes back in and walks over and sits at our table. I told her I thought she dissed me, she said she had to go get her mace out of her car in case I turned out to be a freak. I introduced her to the guys and we chatted for awhile. She was having a hard time not acting like she knew who I was, but she pulled it off. I paid for my dinner, waved to the guys and walked out with her holding my arm.

We got outside and she high fived me asking if I think they bought it. I told her they're guys, they're just jealous because I have the balls to go hit on some hottie and get her to go home with me. She laughed and told me she'd missed me, I told her i'd missed her too. We got in my car and chit chatted while heading back to her place. She asked what I'd been up to, told her nothing other than regretting the decision to split up with her (anything to get in her pants), she was on to me though, she told me to quit lying and sweet talking her in hopes of getting some.

We got back to her place and it was pretty awkward silence. Not knowing what to talk about, just sitting there looking at each other. I wanted to just lean in and kiss her, but I wasn't sure how she'd react.

This is getting long so i'll go to another post.

Ok, bringing you up to date - Breakup (the first one)

Ok so lets see, I wont go on and on about the past posts with Heather, i'll have a few recent rendevouz posts, but the past ones are so far in the past i'll just summarize.

She was a great person, after a few weeks she gave me a key to her condo and told me that she'd be cool with me moving in, so I gradually moved stuff in. She was very cool, it was nice for a change to be committed to someone. It wasn't all about the sex, we had excellent sex but a great relationship, I hadn't cared about someone for a long time, the way I cared about her. For a change, when I was on the road, I wasn't interested in cheating, I was very faithful to her. Sure I had to turn to porn a few times and jerk off, I tried getting her into phone sex but she'd have nothing to do with it.

Then things headed south. First she thought she was pregnant. Talk about a scare! She was 5 days late on her period, she was on the pill, but I know people that have gotten pregnant on the pill, so we were in major panic mode. Let me tell you i've never been so relieved when a girl started her period!

Well apparently this little scare struck some maternal instincts in her. She told me that deep down she almost hoped that she was pregnant because she thinks she's ready for a baby and i'd be a great father. Whoa, talk about going from never having talked about getting married, to now considering a family, not a conversation I was ready for. I told her very bluntly that no way was I ready for a family, I didn't know if I even was ready for marriage. She asked me if i'd have married her if she were pregnant, while I tried to dodge the question and tell her not to worry about hypotheticals, she forced my hand and I told her that honestly I didn't know if I would have married her. Well, no matter how you tell that to a chick, she doesnt like it. She told me maybe it was best if I moved back to my uncles and we distanced ourself.

I figured I'd give her some time and space, so I took some stuff and went to my uncles. She called me over one night, I was hoping it was for sex, but nope, she had boxed up the rest of my clothes and handed it to me.

Part of me thought she was trying to call my bluff and see if I was ready to break up, another part of me believed she was really done for good.

Well, she must have been surprised that I didn't come crying back begging her to take me back, I'm sure she dialed my number nearly a hundred times and never pressed 'call', because when we did talk she told me she couldnt believe I didn't call her even once, or send flowers, or use my key to get in the house and try to seduce her.

I told her that it was really eye opening for me to think that she could be pregnant, and then for her to immediately assume we'd have gotten married made me think that she was rushing things and starting to plan my life for me, not something I was ready for. At this point, I could tell she was the one who was going to beg for sex, but honestly I just wasnt in the mood (shocking I know!). This was the first time in ages that a girl had really emotionally grown on me, and I knew if we stayed together that the marriage pressure would soon come back. It was well known that all of her friends and family wanted her married, and she had told me that she was definitely looking for a husband.

I'll start a second post with the getting back together and the second breakup.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Sorry for the lack of posts

I've been meaning to post, had a short time where Heather and I were trying to get back together (ok she was trying to get back with me, i was just using her for a good lay!)

Anyhow, new posts coming soon.