Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ok, bringing you up to date - Breakup (the first one)

Ok so lets see, I wont go on and on about the past posts with Heather, i'll have a few recent rendevouz posts, but the past ones are so far in the past i'll just summarize.

She was a great person, after a few weeks she gave me a key to her condo and told me that she'd be cool with me moving in, so I gradually moved stuff in. She was very cool, it was nice for a change to be committed to someone. It wasn't all about the sex, we had excellent sex but a great relationship, I hadn't cared about someone for a long time, the way I cared about her. For a change, when I was on the road, I wasn't interested in cheating, I was very faithful to her. Sure I had to turn to porn a few times and jerk off, I tried getting her into phone sex but she'd have nothing to do with it.

Then things headed south. First she thought she was pregnant. Talk about a scare! She was 5 days late on her period, she was on the pill, but I know people that have gotten pregnant on the pill, so we were in major panic mode. Let me tell you i've never been so relieved when a girl started her period!

Well apparently this little scare struck some maternal instincts in her. She told me that deep down she almost hoped that she was pregnant because she thinks she's ready for a baby and i'd be a great father. Whoa, talk about going from never having talked about getting married, to now considering a family, not a conversation I was ready for. I told her very bluntly that no way was I ready for a family, I didn't know if I even was ready for marriage. She asked me if i'd have married her if she were pregnant, while I tried to dodge the question and tell her not to worry about hypotheticals, she forced my hand and I told her that honestly I didn't know if I would have married her. Well, no matter how you tell that to a chick, she doesnt like it. She told me maybe it was best if I moved back to my uncles and we distanced ourself.

I figured I'd give her some time and space, so I took some stuff and went to my uncles. She called me over one night, I was hoping it was for sex, but nope, she had boxed up the rest of my clothes and handed it to me.

Part of me thought she was trying to call my bluff and see if I was ready to break up, another part of me believed she was really done for good.

Well, she must have been surprised that I didn't come crying back begging her to take me back, I'm sure she dialed my number nearly a hundred times and never pressed 'call', because when we did talk she told me she couldnt believe I didn't call her even once, or send flowers, or use my key to get in the house and try to seduce her.

I told her that it was really eye opening for me to think that she could be pregnant, and then for her to immediately assume we'd have gotten married made me think that she was rushing things and starting to plan my life for me, not something I was ready for. At this point, I could tell she was the one who was going to beg for sex, but honestly I just wasnt in the mood (shocking I know!). This was the first time in ages that a girl had really emotionally grown on me, and I knew if we stayed together that the marriage pressure would soon come back. It was well known that all of her friends and family wanted her married, and she had told me that she was definitely looking for a husband.

I'll start a second post with the getting back together and the second breakup.


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