Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ok, attempt to get back together

So you'll notice my last post for awhile was December 4th, a Monday. Well I hadn't heard from her for a month or so since our breakup. She had tried to call me on Thanksgiving but I didn't answer. The first few weeks I was just like whatever, but then I actually started missing her. I even had a chance for some sex with a chick on the road but I turned it down because I couldnt keep thinking about her. Part of me felt like there was no closure and I should give her a call, another part of me felt like it just wanted to hit her hot bod again LOL!

Well, Wednesday night I met some friends for dinner and noticed she was at the restaurant with her sister in law. My friends had never seen her, so I decided to try and play it off like she was a stranger and bet them I'd go home with her that night. We got talking and I told them to checkout the hottie at the table across the room. Typical guy fashion we talked about how hot she was and such, I told them I bet them $50 each I could get her to go home with me. Well there were 3 guys with me, 2 of them took me up on the bet while the other said he didnt have $50 to spare. I casually walked over there, talked to them for a few minutes, told her what was up, she said she had her car, I told her to let her sister in law take the car and let me take her home. She was kind of stand-offish and rude, but I sweet talked her and made her laugh, told her I had spent the past month thinking about things and stuff. I told her I'd been wanting to call her but too chicken, so tonight was fate... that one melted her. She said she'd been feeling the same way. So she told me it was a deal, I could win the bet and take her home, if I split the bet with her. I told her I'd do something better than split it with her and winked, she giggled and blushed... a good sign. She said she'd come join me at the table after she finished her meal, I reminded her she had to play like we didn't know each other.

I told the guys I was taking her home, they didn't believe me, I told them she'd be over to the table when she finished up dinner. They again didn't believe me. Well we ordered and got our food, then they pointed out to me that she was walking out the door with the other girl. Indeed she was, i was like DAMN! Well a minute later she comes back in and walks over and sits at our table. I told her I thought she dissed me, she said she had to go get her mace out of her car in case I turned out to be a freak. I introduced her to the guys and we chatted for awhile. She was having a hard time not acting like she knew who I was, but she pulled it off. I paid for my dinner, waved to the guys and walked out with her holding my arm.

We got outside and she high fived me asking if I think they bought it. I told her they're guys, they're just jealous because I have the balls to go hit on some hottie and get her to go home with me. She laughed and told me she'd missed me, I told her i'd missed her too. We got in my car and chit chatted while heading back to her place. She asked what I'd been up to, told her nothing other than regretting the decision to split up with her (anything to get in her pants), she was on to me though, she told me to quit lying and sweet talking her in hopes of getting some.

We got back to her place and it was pretty awkward silence. Not knowing what to talk about, just sitting there looking at each other. I wanted to just lean in and kiss her, but I wasn't sure how she'd react.

This is getting long so i'll go to another post.


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